nāhaṁ tiṣṭhāmi vaikuṇṭhe yogināṁ hṛdayeṣu vā
tatra tiṣṭhāmi nārada yatra gāyanti mad-bhaktāḥ
“I do not reside in Vaikuntha, nor do I reside within the hearts of the yogis, but I reside in that place where My pure devotees sing My holy name and discuss My form, pastimes and qualities” - Srimad Bhagavatam 4.30.35

Once a month, a devotee family hosts Bhajan Sandhya, an evening filled with bhajans and kirtans sung together with family, friends, and other devotees.
This could be to commemorate a special milestone in the family or simply to create divine positive vibrations in the home!
If you would like to host a Bhajan Sandhya at your home, please contact our coordinator :-
Brunda Kamath at (847-942-2107)