Our Gurus
Swami Tapovan Maharaj
He is history’s few, God’s own ascetic, a beacon of knowledge, and a Himalayan jewel — all rolled into one. Swami Tapovanam is a symbol of complete abidance in Truth, the light that never descended — philosophically, literally, and figuratively. He was that pristine glacier of Self-knowledge from whom flowed the Ganga of Vedantic wisdom through Swami Chinmayananda, the founder of Chinmaya Mission.

Swami Chinmayananda
Pujya Gurudev, as we lovingly call him, learnt the truth about eternal happiness from Swami Tapovanam. Inspired by Holy Ganga flowing down from Himalayas to nourish us, he came down to teach us the knowledge of eternal happiness from our holy scriptures. He touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of adults and children all over the world until his last breath. Focusing on Children via Balavihar is one of his unique contributions. We continue to be inspired by His Life and Lessons. He is known for his Jnana Yagnas and hence he is JnanaSwarupa!
Swami Tejomayananda
Pujya Guruji as we lovingly call him took over as Head of Chinmaya Mission after Swami Chinmayananda. He wanted to be at the feet of his Guru rather than in his shoes. Pujya Guruji stepped down as head of Chinmaya Mission in 2016 indicating Pujya Gurudev continues to be our focal point for devotion. Pujya Guruji expresses his devotion towards his Guru and Bhagavan through his devotional singing and compositions. He is surely our BhaktiSwarupa!

Swami Swaroopananda
Lovingly known as Mukhya Swamiji, is the current head of Chinmaya Mission worldwide. Swamiji had a seemingly incurable disease as a youth and struggled to even get out of bed. His love to serve Pujya Gurudev was so strong he persevered to serve him despite physical challenges. He increased his devotion to serve Pujya Gurudev to such heights his seemingly incurable disease got cured. Swamiji has served as Head to Chinmaya Mission in several countries before taking on the role of Global Head. Swamiji continues the legacy of Pujya Gurudev and inspires adults and children worldwide. Swamiji is surely our SevaSwarupa!